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Showing posts from July, 2006

Ride the ducks!

My wife and I just tried "Ride the ducks" of Seattle las week. It was lots of fun; A recommendable experience without doubt. I will post some pictures soon in my personal blog at msn :)

Extending MA with RSS

I recently posted an article in the Microsoft CRM team's blog pondering the use of RSS for marketing automation. I have received quite interesting feedback on the matter. I encourage you to read the CRM team’s blog and enlighten me with your opinions.

UCR alive

I feel quite proud that a project that started as an academic one ended up being implemented in production. The UCR (UIMA Component Repository) team that I had the fortune of being part of built the basis for This wiki contains a nice picture of the team :)


Asi es, este blog contendra comentarios en ingles (la mayoria) y en espaniol, como no!... si eres pochofobico: toma tu mouse, dirigelo a la esquina superior derecha de la ventana y sin titubear da click en la X :)

A little bit of me

Since my plans to share my profile on my msn space failed I would like to give some details about me. -- I'm Mexican, happily married and my wife's name is Nancy. I did my bachelors degree at "Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey CCM" (aka Tec, ITESM, Boreeeeegooos!!) I'm currently a Master's student at Carnegie Mellon University graduating on December 2006 (MISM program). As part of the my master, I'm doing an internship with Microsoft Corp for the summer.

Back on blogger

After a failed attempt to move my blog to MSN spaces I'm back here :). I would like to share the whole story with the public but I better refrain my impetus he he. So now: Blog: ->HERE Pictures and other stuff: Old Homepage (out of date):

Miscrosoft CRM goes Live!

You may wonder what the heck that has to do with Humberto. Well, I’m working as a Project Manager intern in the CRM team at Microsoft Headquarters and I feel excited about the upcoming release of Microsoft CRM (codename Titan; yeah, I love to put ‘codenames’ everywhere I can :) ). CRM Live will be an online version of MSCRM hosted in Microsoft Data Centers, so users will just have to sign up for an account and they will be ready to go; like if they were signing up for a new email account. To tell the truth I have no direct connection with the ‘Live’ part of the product yet. My work here has been focused on *** with the marketing automation parts of the system. Yeah the *** are confidential information :( . By the way, I feel me pretty good because yesterday I officially completed my first feature spec; of course there will be some minor adjustments to it on the way but is pretty much done :)!! More info about the team I work with can be found here: