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Showing posts from August, 2006

Why the world hates Microsoft?...

...or at least, some times it seems like that :) I must confess that I have been in the side of those that hate Microsoft; now, I'm in a neutral position; I neither love it nor hate it. They have done nasty things but they have also made enormous contributions to the IT world. Some might say that the reason of the shift in my thinking is to have worked in Microsoft for a while, and is true of course! ; But not just because of the fact per se but because I now try to look at many different perspectives at once. Below are the most common complains that I hear about Microsoft and what I think of them The blue screen of Death! -Dude, the number of such screens is almost 0 nowadays! So come on, leave your 70’s wig at home and live on the present Linux is better, and free! False! -Linux is for geeks, period. (I’m a geek so no big deal). Even that I openly admit that there are versions of Linux that are quite user friendly nowadays (such as Ubuntu) they are still far behind in usabili...

Back to school!

Yeap, tomorrow I will continue to do my master at Carnegie Mellon University; it will be my last semester :). Hopefully this time I won't be as busy as the last two semesters and I will be able to do fun stuff like taking a photography course or play basketball more often.. we'll see

Will I join the empire?

For those who are close to me you already know what I'm talking about :) I got an offer from a company that I may accept shortly.. I'm still thinking about some issues though so my professional future is still uncertain [insert twightligth zone music here :) ]