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Showing posts from April, 2007

Golden Gardens @ Ballard

If you are ever around Seattle's North area I highly recommend to go a check out Golden Gardens@ Ballard; nice quite place with beach, grass grounds and lots of wind; ideal to fly your kite, or is you are more venturous, do windsurfing :)

The paradox of my work

Friends have asked me, are you pro-open source?... my answer, YES!. Then they ask me... well, then why you work @ Microsoft? My answer.. well, because I'm also pro-commercial software. Unlike radical folks that can only be in one extreme or another I trully believe that both worlds can and should co-exist together. I would being dishonest if I don't admit that there are still certain attitudes inside MS that I don't like but for the most part it is an amazing company that is truly commited to unleash people's full potential...and make tons of $$ on the process he he :) Lastly I always get the..."but then, why not Google?"... my answer... "...yeah, why not.. perhaps one day...I certainly like free food he he he"

Saving bucks by keeping your heater warm

When I first heard the suggestion of putting a blanket around my heater I thought: what??!!! After painfully findind that indeed our apartment water heater is an electric one (I know, I should have noticed it before duhh! ) and receiving 100+ dollars bills each month for electricity I decided to dig into the blanket suggestion. It turns out that there are special blankets (jackets) for water heaters that make them be more efficient and reduce the consumption of electricity (supposedly). So my wife and I decided to purchase one in home depot... hopefully our electricity bill will get reduced a bit.