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Showing posts from September, 2006

Boring I-Pods

Have you seen the amazing update that Apple has done to their I-Pods and I-Tunes.. Isn't it WoWW? Of course not.. same old stuff. Of course more capacity and less size but.. nothing "really" new under the hood.

Praising Microsoft...

A recent article written by David Kirpatrik today in Fortune Magazine comes handy just after I wrote my post "Why the world hates Microsoft?". The article "Praising Microsoft and Attacked by Wolves" exposes some of the thoughts of Microsoft haters and, in my opinion, how they miss an undeniable point... without Microsoft the Personal Computing experience wouldn't be as advanced as it is now. Check out the article here

The Service Buzz!

The service buzz Saas, Outsourcing, CMMI... Ringing any bell? No?, Well, is all about services. Experts are saying that the money now is on services, on reaching the so called "long tail" of the market; on continue the revolution of the world ultimately transforming everything into a big service whose delivery platform will be know as THE MATRIX!!! :) Well, the last part of the above is a bit exaggerate and of course not true but still the big buzz about services is indeed true and I strongly recommend my readers (yes, believe it or not I have readers although they are a bit shy to post comments he he he he :) ) to keep an eye on the terms mentioned at the beginning of this post. If your have any doubts drop me a letter and I'll be glad to confuse you a bit more or, more seriously, to redirect you so some really brilliant guys on the topic.

Quiznos Sub; Sub-Service

Have you been in a Quiznos Sub lately? Well, I have, and it is sad to see how their customer service gets worst everyday. I didn't know that a chicken carbonara sub included such a 'bad mood' face from the staff. No wonder why subway is taking over Quiznos.