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Showing posts from February, 2022

Ziply Fiber Rocks - Just be Patient

We recently switched from Comcast to Ziply.  Blazing fast speeds for about half the price. There is a key to success though:  Patience . On January 9th, I scheduled a Ziply installation for January 16th.  The process took several visits to complete and even though Ziply tells you it can take several visits, there were a couple of snafus along the way that overcomplicated things and required deep breathing ;)  January 12. NetVision, a contractor hired by Ziply, checked if we had "conduit" to our home. We did not so one would have to be buried and that would require another visit.  January 15th. Got a call from Ziply letting me know that a technician would be next day to install the service (not bury the cable). I told them I was under the impression we didn't have conduit yet but the rep said that it was ok and the technician would figure it out January 16th. The Ziply technician came and sure enough, told me I didn't have conduit yet so he couldn't do anything....