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Beyond the Buzzword: How to Truly Empower Your Team

We've all experienced it —either asking or receiving a question that is answered with: “I want you to feel empowered.” It’s easy to say, but what does it really mean? Why did the person need to ask for input in the first place? Empowerment is a popular leadership buzzword, but it often falls short in practice. I’ve had moments where, despite my best intentions, my teams felt stuck, lost, or unable to perform because the right support wasn’t fully in place. Simply telling someone they’re empowered doesn’t magically create the conditions for it. Without the right tools, environment, and guidance, teams can quickly struggle. As project leaders, our role is to speed up decision-making, remove obstacles, and set our teams up for success—not leave them to navigate challenges alone. When your team asks for input, it’s not a lack of initiative. There's always an underlying reason. Instead of brushing it off with “I want you to feel empowered,” ask yourself: What’s stopping them from ac
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Giving lessons using a digital whiteboard

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